Art Exhibition

Polish contemporary art poster

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Co-election lesson

«Co-election lesson»

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"Collection in Action" is the museum's first attempt to create an educational space based on a collection of contemporary art!

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Paradoxes of Perception

The "Paradoxes of Perception" exhibition invites visitors into the astonishing world of optical illusions. From classic visual tricks to modern interactive installations, this showcase challenges your perception of reality. Explore how your brain works and experience mind-bending effects that will make you question what your eyes are seeing.

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Artificial Intelligence in Motion

Amazing Scientific Advances of the 21st Century

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Art that saves lives

ArtArmor project at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art

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Fangor. Multifaceted

An intimate exhibition presented on the centenary of Wojciech Fangor’s birth charts the multifaceted nature of this remarkable Polish artist’s oeuvre.

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Crystal Symphony

Exhibition of more than 300 different minerals from around the world.

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Terroir and Traditions

Embark on a global wine odyssey at "Terroir and Traditions," where centuries of winemaking heritage meet the diversity of Earth's vineyards. This immersive exhibition invites visitors to explore how unique landscapes and time-honored practices shape the world's most celebrated wines, offering a sensory journey through taste, aroma, and culture.

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Bik Van der Pol

Too many stories to fit in such a small box.

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Exhibition -
Public presentation of achievements in the field of economy, science, technology, culture, art and other areas of public life. The term can refer both to the event itself and to the place where the event is held.


Scene 2000: Artur Zmijewski
The collective exhibition "Scene 2000" was a broad presentation of the tendencies that stood out in Polish art at the turn of the century. In the material we also see works by Anna Baumgart, Marcin Maciejowski, Zuzanna Janin and Marta Deskur. The exhibition was curated by Ewa Gorządek and Stach Szabłowski.
Anka Ptaszkowska: Spotkanie z okazji publikacji przekładu „Społeczeństwa spektaklu” Guy Deborda
Recording of a speech by Anka Ptaszkowska on Guy Debord and the Situationist movement. The reading and the slideshow were followed by a discussion, in which Adam Szymczyk, Grzegorz Borkowski and Pawel Polit, among others, took part. The meeting was one of the events connected with the publication of the Polish translation of Guy Debord's Society of Spectacles, translated by Anka Ptaszkowska.
Plein Air Warsaw Group in Serock
Before the beginning of its program activities, the Center for Contemporary Art "Ujazdowski Castle" carried out its tasks with the help of the Center for Information and Scientific Documentation, which was created in our institution to create, collect, develop and exchange documentation of contemporary art and artistic life in Poland.
Pavel Borovsky . Yes, you can.
Gallery with the works of Pavel Borovsky, which the artist presented during his personal exhibition "Yes, you can" (05.02.- 07.03.1999). The exhibition presented the adventures of Bohr, Pavel Borovsky's comic alter ego, who, in a poetics of nonsense and irony, enters into discussion and dispute with the surrounding world in every situation depicted in the paintings.

The fragile lilies and roses no longer shine. Their silken petals are carried away by the wind; Today no one seeks Beauty... Not a rhyming poet...Not a woman - not a magician - not an amateur, Today you seek that which beckons. And that - that surprises!

Cyprian Kamil Norwid
— A profound understanding of beauty was one of the themes that occupied one of Poland's most important poets, Kiprian Kamil Norwid. In his 1880 work Piękno Czasu (The Beauty of Time), beauty appears as something eternal, divine, a Platonic idea not subject to the erosion of time. The poet contrasts this vision of beauty with superficial appearances, asking at the end of the poem whether this is really what one needs.
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